As “Team Frankie Laine/ American Jazz Institute” is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation, your generous contributions are Tax Deductible. Your gifts will help us realize the many goals we have set for our organization. We realize there are many worthwhile charities looking for your donations, however, we feel it’s important to help musicians, composers, and singers, with a helping hand. Educating and instilling a sense of pride in our diverse musical heritage. If you would like to help us meet our goals, you can send your contributions to:
Team Frankie Laine/ AJI
340 Andrew Ave
Encinitas CA 92024
When we receive your donation we will send you a confirmation receipt for your tax deductible gift. You will be added to our Frankie Laine sponsors list. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated.
The mutual goals of Team Frankie Laine and American Jazz Institute, are listed below.
Our Goals
- To advance and Promote jazz music throughout the world.
- To support charitable endeavors that promote and advance Jazz Music.
- To maintain a repertory Jazz Orchestra to perform new and archival Jazz Music.
- To sculpt and erect a Bronze Statue of Frankie Laine.
- To educate and expose the public to Jazz by live performances and panel discussions
- To advance and promote different styles of music throughout the world.
- To physically house, archive and preserve Jazz Music: Compositions, Scores, Arrangements, Films and other Jazz works.
- Working with the city of San Diego to rename Kellogg Way, in Point Loma, Frankie Laine Way.
- To make Jazz works available for research, study and education.
- To keep the music and image of Frankie Laine alive and relevant.
- To establish a radio program featuring Frankie Laine Music